Kenya Tour 2023

Tour Info

About This Tour:

This luxuriously curated 10-day East Africa Tour is designed to provide you with a fantastic re-introduction to Kenyan culture, food, and business infrastructure.  Our Social Impact tour is focused on building relationships with trusted Kenyan leaders in Business, Education, and Health, and community development. 

What you will Experience:

  • International and local Swahili cuisine
  • Private chauffeured vehicles with professional guides
  • 4-5 star accommodations in Nairobi, Western Kenya (Kisumu) and Mombasa 
  • Spectacular views, family activities and wildlife on the coast at Africa’s only PGA branded course and academy.


What is the Impact?

As a guest of SITK, you will embark on a curated agenda, grounded in luxurious accommodations,  cultural discovery with Kenyans, and education and enlightenment on how Kenyans thrive and build their economic futures. 

SITK guest profiles are promoted to local Kenyan business association leadership and media outlets, to increase the profile of Black American Business owners in East Africa.


Trip Details


March 12, 2023


Kenya (Including Nairobi, Kisimu, and Vipingo Ridge Golf Resort.)

Quinetha Frasier

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March 12-24 KENYA Civic Women + Community Leaders Edition
May 28-June 10 Kenya/Tanzania Family Edition
August 4-18 Kenya Medical Mission
October 2023 Kenya Women’s Retreat + Business Leaders Edition
June 2024 Kenya Youth Summer 15 day Educational Tour

A preview of the trip

Full Package Includes

  • Package cost per adult (15+) is $6,000 per person until January 1st
  • Packages include flights from ATL/JFK and require a $1,000 per person deposit. All payments are nonrefundable 15 days after payment is received.
  • After January 1, 2023, the package price will increase to $7,000 per person. A portion of your package fee  may be honored as a charitable deduction.

Accommodation Details

Details to be communicated. To learn more Click here to contact us

Reserve Tour Trip Now

Be More Than A Tourist

Additional Information


OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of Kenya
OFFICIAL LANGUAGE(S): Swahili, English
CAPITAL: Nairobi
LOCATION: East Africa- borders Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and Tanzania
CURRENCY: Kenyan Shillings ($1USD= KSh109)
TIPPING: Tipping varies on the service you receive. Tip around 10% in restaurants and 200-500 shillings for hotel staff.

TOURISMKenya has many national parks and wildlife reserves, with safaris featuring large animals; lions, buffalo, leopards, elephants and rhinoceros



Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately.
Criminal Penalties: Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking illegal drugs in Kenya are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines.
Currency: You may depart the country with up to 100,000 Kenyan shillings.
LGBTI Travelers: Kenyan law criminalizes same-sex sexual activity.


Culture Facts


  • Kenyan Time is flexible ( Kenyan time is flexible and it is 8 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time ) . Culturally, the pace of life is slower. Don’t expect people to be in a rush the way Americans often are.
  • Tea is commonly served with every meal and during social gatherings.
  • Must go through metal detectors before entering any building/complex.
  • Kenyans value politeness and aren’t rude or aggressive people. Always greet people enthusiastically, smile, and be mindful to not be curt.
  • Don’t say “Jambo”. It is an immediate marker for a tourist. Most Kenyans greet with “Habari” which means “How are you?”
  • Kenyans dress more conservatively and emphasize being well dressed. Sloppy, damaged or revealing clothing warrants a lower degree of respect.
  • Don’t point at people with your finger. It’s a confrontational gesture.
  • Don’t be unsettled by shifting in eye contact (especially when talking to someone younger than you). It is normal for people to not maintain direct gaze



  • A Passport : With at least two blank pages, six month’s validity, and a visa re required to enter Kenya
  • Single – Entry  Visas : are available online and upon arrival at Kenyan airports; however, Kenyan immigration plans to end visas upon arrival in the future.

Multiple-entry visas must be applied for prior to traveling to Kenya

  • Obtain the latest information on Visas: as well as any additional details regarding entry requirements, from the Embassy of Kenya, 2249 R Street, NW, Washington, D.c 20008, telephone (202) 387-6101
  • Proof of Yellow fever Immunization: You may be denied entry without it. Passport health has nationwide locations that provide the vaccine.
  • COVID PCR test: Taken no more than 72 hours before clearing customs in Kenya



  • PLANE– Flights are frequent and reliable between Nairobi and Mombasa.
  • TRAIN – Kenya Railways is an easy and reliable alternative to flying from Nairobi to Mombasa.
  • TAXI – Taxis can be found on every corner in Nairobi and journeys. Agree on the fair prior to taking the ride.
  • SHARED TAXI (PEUGEOT) – good alternative to matatu’s that carry 7-9 passengers. Slightly more expensive than matatu’s.
  • BUS – Nairobi is the only city with an effective municipal bus service.
  • MATATU (MINI BUS) – Local people’s main form of transport. Fares range from KSh40 and may reach KSh100 for longer routes in Nairobi.
  • TUK-TUK (MOTORIZED MINI TAXI) – Malindi, Mombasa and Nairobi and Diani Beach have many for short journeys that and Nairobi and Diani Beach have many for short journeys that start at KSh100.
  • BODA BODA (BICYCLE OR MOTORCYCLE TAXI)– common in small towns where taxis are harder to find. Short ride should cost around KSh100-200

Terms & Policies

  • Making reservations for this package signifies your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions.
  • Passengers are responsible for ensuring that they have the proper travel documents and MUST CHECK with the respective consulate(s) or visa agency to determine whether any visas or passports are required. Passports are required to be valid for at least 6 months after the date of travel. Some countries require a full blank “VISA” page in the passport for stamping purposes. Any information provided on travel description pertains to US citizens only. Non-US citizens should check with the respective consulate of the country(s) to be visited for current entry requirements. Reservations must be made in your FULL NAME as it appears on your passport.
  • Seat assignments ARE at the discretion of the airline.  Seats for this group tour are only located in economy class. If you require a certain seat, you recommend booking the land only package.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice. Please make your reservations today at this low price to be locked in.